Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Endeavors?!

It dawned on me tonight, that I have a goal that I didn't know before that I had. Cooking and food are two of my passions. I have always wanted to be a creative type. However, it always seems to get swirled in my head like a giant tilt-a-whirl until I am begging to be let off the ride. It seems, though, that maybe I just wasn't pursing the right outlet. Hence, this blog.

I have discovered that I do release creativity through my food. I love creating new recipes-a dash of this, a teeny bit of that- and I love trying new recipes. I also have come to realize that I have a vision which is now transpiring into a "maybe someday" goal. I would like to open my own restaurant. I really don't want it to be the hustle and bustle screaming at each other type that you see on Hell's Kitchen. I want a quaint, off-the-beaten path type of restaurant. Seaside, preferable. Think "anthropologie of cooking".

So, in the meantime, while I pursue a career and raise a family, I will keep it in the back of my mind and on paper here through this blog. I will post random musings, recipes I have created and recipes that I just enjoy, as well as an idea box for that someday goal of mine.

I hope you enjoy.

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